Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Another fun filled day...

We were given very short notice that Paul had a couple of consultations for his radiation in Boston today so all three of us piled in my car and headed down. The doctor came in and started talking with Paul about his medical history and his diagnosis. I wasn't able to sit in there long - about 15 minutes worth - before Alayna decided she had enough of being a quiet girl. So we walked around the hospital a bit and found this big fish. Then we headed back to my car to watch a movie. Today's selection was Curious George. Then when she fell asleep I watched My Big Fat Greek Wedding. On our way home we stopped and ate a late lunch at The Cheesecake Factory.

While we drove home Paul filled me in a little about everything. Paul will be having full body radiation to try an eradicate any cancer cells before the bone marrow transplant. Again, there is a possibility of numerous side effects from the radiation. He will be rendered sterile, there is a 50% chance of getting cataracts, and he may develop another type of cancer with tumors. Those are the big things.

Some days things seem almost "normal" here, like Paul isn't really that sick. And then a day like today when you hear all of this that will be happening in the not so distant future. :(


Immodesty Blaze said...

I hope things turn out OK for you all. You will be in my prayers! Your daughter looks adorable in the photo!

The Stewart Stuff said...

If only you could truly enjoy watching those movies. Hopefully Alayna can, but I'm sure your mind was wandering the whole time! We are thinking of you!!!