Friday, June 27, 2008

Hate when this happen...

As we were driving to the hospital this morning a rock hit the side of my windshield. Those 2 white specks in the black part is the site of impact. We park the car and come back about an hour later and that small crack spread about a foot and a half! Luckily that was the worst part of the day.
We thought that today was going to be long and drawn out and made preparations for Alayna. It turns out Paul was only at the hospital for a very short amount of time. They checked his blood levels and everything is still good. Dr. Fogerty performed the bone marrow biopsy and that went well. Of course I'm not the one who had a needle in my hip bone. They just gave him a local anisthetic and told him to take Tylenol while at home. He is now upstairs taking a nap. We will not know the results of the biopsy until possibly Wednesday of next week. Until then, please keep your fingers crossed that they don't find any cancer!
Talk soon!

1 comment:

The Stewart Stuff said...

My whole body is crossed, not just my fingers! You have tons of prayers going up for you and your family, too!!!