Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Could it be worse?

We thought it was bad enough that our septic line failed and that it ran under the driveway. But today they came to dig up the driveway and found that the line doesn't go right in front of the garage under the driveway - but it goes right under the garage! We obviously can't then tear up the garage to get to the line. So now we need a whole new leach field. So instead of just one big hole in the driveway they dug two more trying to see where the water table was. It is too high in both places they dug so now we need to have a "design" written up and approved by the state. Translation - more money! :p

But in better news. I had Stanley Steemer come out today to clean my once upon a time creamy white sofa. It is once again creamy white. No more sippy spills and stains from sticky fingers. Yay for that!


The Stewart Stuff said...

Oh, man! I am so sorry to hear that! I'm glad you have a clean couch to sit on while you stare at the mess outside!

Beki - TheRustedChain said...

Oh man, what a mess!!

Julie said...

Wow. This just gives me shivers--I have a total complex about our septic system. I hope you find NO MORE problems :(