Monday, August 4, 2008

Things are going swimmingly...

It has been so nice not having to go down to the hospital 2 or 3 times a week and just being able to relax. We have until Friday and then we must go down to Boston again. My sister is off of work that day so she is watching Alayna for us. I actually get to go in and see the doctors too. What a treat.

Today was really great weather and Paul, Alayna, and Hannah went swimming. Paul has to wear a sun hat and a shirt since he is very susceptible to sunburn, but atleast he was able to enjoy the pool. Hopefully I can get some pictures tomorrow of them swimming again.

And I have been super busy in my little studio churning out all kinds of shirts and tote bags. Today I was able to finish 2 orders and 1 boys spider shirt. It came out very cute if I do say so myself. I have been in contact with the Amherst Moms Club and will be advertising in their newsletter next month. Also I am going to meet with the president, Carrie, and give her some promos so she can disperse them to the members for me. I hope to get some business out of it. And I think I have decided to send some of my tote bags to a store in Boston. It is on a consignment basis but I hope it will help generate sales and visibility of my items. You can check out the shop here.

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