Friday, November 7, 2008

Goodness! It has been another week since I last posted.

First, update on Paul... He is doing really well. His whole demeanor has lifted a bit. He is still on a mostly liquid diet - smoothies, Ensure, soups - but occasionally I can sneak him some of the dinner I have made. His doctor appointment went well on Tuesday. His numbers have gone up so no transfusions have been necessary. And he has been watching Alayna for me more and more which has been a giant help!

I have been getting ready for the Mont Vernon Artisan Art Show and Sale this weekend. So I have been sewing and stitching and cutting and packaging, and everything like crazy the last week! Yesterday a reporter from the Union Leader even came over to take some pictures to use for an article. You can read more about it here. I will have alot more pictures to post after this weekend is over.

Have a nice weekend everyone!


Jason and Jenn said...

We're sooooo glad to hear Paul is doing better. Keep up the good work!!!!
Good luck with the show Amanda, you'll do great!!!

The Stewart Stuff said...

A reporter! Look at you my big time Etsy seller! That is awesome!

I am so glad to hear that Paul is doing better, too. Prayers do get answered!!!