Friday, October 31, 2008

Trick or Treat!

Just wanted to let you know Paul had his platelets checked down in Boston again today and they went up - so no transfusion. Yay!
We got home in plenty of time to rest up for this evening. Paul had planned to try and go with us but he was still pretty worn out so he opted to stay home. So us girls headed up town to try and scare up some candy. Alayna was dressed up as Abby Cadabby from Sesame Street.

Eden looked adorable as a 50's girl in her poodle skirt.

We lasted a little over an hour trick or treating. We didn't get to all the houses but the girls were getting tired and so were we. But of course when we got home - Alayna was ready to dive into her candy.

She got a few licks of her lollipop and then I wisked my little fairy off to bed where she promptly fell asleep. We hope you all have a safe and Happy Halloween!


Jason and Jenn said...

How cute are Alayna an Eden??? I love their costumes.
So glad to hear Paul is doing fairly well.
Talk soon!!!

The Stewart Stuff said...

The girls look so cute! Ty came home, laid down on the couch, and fell asleep within 2 minutes.....then slept in! I love Halloween!!!