Thursday, October 30, 2008

Fantastic day!

I am back with pictures from the Wiggles!

But first, I am so thrilled to say that my sister's adoption of Eden will be finalized on Monday! She has a conference call with the judge in New Mexico and it will finally be done! We are so happy for my sister and for Eden! :)

So today my sister got out of work about noon and we met at home and headed out for our girls day. We stopped for lunch at Bugaboo Creek really quick since we were all hungry. And then we went to Manchester. Parking was really close and easy and only $15. We got inside and to our seats about 2:30 for the 3pm show. The girls got little light sabers to keep themselves entertained until everything began.

Our seats were actually pretty good. I guess that's what you get for being ready to buy them the minute they were available!

It was a really great show. Alayna and I only knew about half of the songs - but she was pretty mesmerized with everything happening. Here is my baby girl putting on the cheese for the camera.

We all had a really great time and can't wait to go again!


Jason and Jenn said...

Oh my goodness what good news. I'm so happy for Arlene and Eden. She has been waiting so long for this.
Looks like you all had a wonderful time at the show.

The Stewart Stuff said...

I am so happy for your sister and Eden! What an exciting time for them! I'm glad you had so much fun at the Wiggles! Alayna looked adorable, as always!!!