Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Sorry to make you worry...

I just got a phone call from Aunt Mary - she was concerned because I hadn't posted any updates on Paul in several days. Nothing has happened I have just been very busy. Thank you for worrying about us Aunt Mary! :)

So first off, Paul is doing well. He has had a rough time with his throat which caused him to be nourished through his IV. He hasn't had food or much of anything to drink for almost a week. The food bag is about 2.5 gallons and he gets it during the night. I always ask what he is having for dinner - sometimes it's lobster. :P But as of this morning he is feeling much better and may be attempting to actually eat something in the next day or two. He has received a few bags of blood and platelets. This is the ENT doctor making sure Paul's throat wasn't too constriced to impede breathing. Thankfully it was ok just very swollen and irritated. Paul wasn't too thrilled with having the scope threaded through his nose down his throat. But he was a trooper.

This past weekend all of us went and stayed in Boston. I was able to get two rooms at the discounted rate. My parents and sister took the girls around Boston to the Children's Museum and to the Aquarium while I was able to spend time with Paul. In the evenings I was able to head back to the hotel. The girls enjoyed the heated pool with Grandma.

1 comment:

The Stewart Stuff said...

Thank you for the update! It's not just your Aunt that was worried! I'm glad to hear all is well! Love ya!