Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Just say cheese...

So first of all, Paul's appointment went well yesterday. They are still waiting for the second portion of the testing from the biopsy to come back so we don't know the results of that yet. He lost 3 pounds. His stomach has been a little queasy this past week. Most meat products (chicken, pork) are not agreeing with him. So we need to try and make up those calories elsewhere. I found some power type bars at the supermarket that are over 400 calories each. So if he can just add one of those per day in addition to his ensures and stuff he can make up some of the difference. And, at this point, they have him scheduled for weekly appointments through February. I think I am going to call the doctor to see what is up with that. Paul asked the nurse who he saw but she just told him to ask Dr. Koreth next week. ugh.

Today I got the itch to get going on Alayna's Valentine's Day cards. She doesn't like to cooperate when I try to get her to smile. It is just about a miracle if I get one on cue. It mostly goes something like this...

Or this...

I take what I can get before she runs away. :P


The Stewart Stuff said...

Valentine cards, you are good! I hope those power bars work for Paul. Maybe have him try the shakes, too. Jason likes the Chocolate ones. They are the muscle building ones....HaHa!!!

Jason and Jenn said...

Oh my goodness, those pictures of Alayna are just adorable, she surely looks as though she was cooperating. Matthew isn't very good either its all on his terms.