Sunday, January 18, 2009

Shops like mine may become extinct...

I have been hesitant to post about this subject - just for the mere fact that there is so much about it I don't understand. Essentially, due to the overwhelming amount of recalls affecting items our children come in contact with, CPSIA has passed a law to protect them. While that is a good thing in itself, like a blanket it covers everything they come in contact with - toys, jewelry, clothing, etc. Testing for lead must now be performed on every component that goes into a product.

Take this $45 outfit of mine for example...

Under the new law total cost including testing will be ... $2985.00 That's $70 per component for lead and $350 per component for phthalates.

$70 Shirt
$70 Jeans
$70 Polka dot fabric
$70 Swirl Fabric
$70 Ric Rac trim
$70 Grosgrain ribbon belt
$70 Thread

$350 Shirt
$350 Jeans
$350 Polka dot fabric
$350 Swirl Fabric
$350 Ric Rac trim
$350 Grosgrain ribbon belt
$350 Thread

And that is just for one outfit of mine! Obviously large corporations can afford to be compliant with this new law, I can not. So unless there are some amendments made, February 10th Alayna's Closet will be closed for business. Thereafter it would be illegal for me to sell my clothing. There is alot more info on this subject that affects everyone. If you would like to see many more links click on the bear.

1 comment:

The Stewart Stuff said...

That would make for one very sad day! SAVE ALAYNA'S CLOSET!!!