Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Do you take it for granted?

Is it Monday mornings when they come? Or how about Thursday afternoons? If they come at all to your house - consider yourselves lucky! By "they" I mean the sanitation department, you know, the garbage men.

One of the "perks" of living in the country is getting to take your trash to the dump all by yourself. Typically this falls under Paul's jurisdiction. Today I had the pleasure of completing the task and I am not looking forward to the next time. Enough said.

Tomorrow is hospital day and Paul has his PSP all packed in it's case ready to go. He most likely will need blood in addition to everything else, so it will be a long day. I wonder what Alayna and I will do this time?


The Stewart Stuff said...

My trash men came this morning and I am even more grateful now having read your blog! I need to stop taking the little things for granted!!! Thanks for pointing that out!

Jodi @ Happy House Quilts said...

I do dump runs too...try to do them a few times a week if I can fanagle the schedule...poopy diapers are no fun...and a weak immune system isn't good either...{{{hugs}}} this too shall pass my dear.