Thursday, July 17, 2008

What could it be...

Today Paul had a consultation with a new doctor down in Boston. During one of his previous scans they saw something in his lung. They couldn't say for sure what is was so he had to go and meet with a specialist to try and get more information. Paul had to go over his history of where he has lived and do another test where he had to breathe in some stuff and try to cough phlegm up. Paul said that the doctor was talking about doing a biopsy on it to then know for sure. A couple of things came up - educated guesses - some sort of fungus or tuberculosis. What?! Tuberculosis is not the likely cause but the fact that it was mentioned - very disconcerting to say the least. I really hesitate to post about this because we still don't have much knowledge about it. Essentially they said it is growing - probably because his immunity has been down - and they want to take care of it before the transplant. The best guess for that is now September.

Hopefully we can find out more on Saturday during his next appointment.


The Stewart Stuff said...

If it's not one thing, it's another! You guys will have an awesome story to tell when it's all over and done with! You are still in my prayers, everyday!!!

Jodi @ Happy House Quilts said...

A rainbow came out tonight while I was at work...may it be your and Paul's more bad news!