Sunday, July 6, 2008

A gloomy morning...

The fog has rolled in thick this morning. So far this summer has been full of rainy days. Which is ok. I guess we would feel like we were missing more if every day was beautiful and sunny.

With this second round of chemo Paul has been pretty sick. His belly has been so nauseous and yesterday is the first time he has thrown up. He still has his humor about him though - he asked why I wasn't in the bathroom with him holding his hair back. He has also been sleeping so much. At night he sleeps about 12 hours and during the day he takes 2 naps about 2-3 hours each. I feel so bad for him although there is really nothing I can do. But I made him cookies yesterday and he enjoyed those.
Oh! And before I forget again I want to wish a Happy Birthday to my cousin Anjenette! And my very good friend Patricia - her son Nathan turned 2 - Happy Belated Birthday! My memory is shot and I am forgetting so much so please forgive me! Did I forget someone else?! I hope not.

1 comment:

The Stewart Stuff said...

I love the hair comment. It makes me so happy to know he still can joke around. You are a fantastic wife, Amanda! Keep up the good work!