Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Why did the turkey cross the road...

It has been a nice reprieve this past week when we didn't have to go to Boston. But our time is up. We will be leaving nice and early at 7am for Paul's 9am appointment. He will be getting his blood levels checked, speak with the doctor, get chemo, and wait for the lab work to come back. Depending on what that says will determine is he is to receive blood or any other fluids. If the day is nice I may take Alayna to the nearby Stone Zoo while we are waiting for him. Then we start up with 2 visits a week to the hospital.

Our neighbor and friend, Heather, gave Paul a lesson in making stained glass today. He had expressed an interest in learning to do that and it turned out that Heather has done it before and has all the supplies. He is trying to come up with some hobbies to do after his transplant and he will be pretty much housebound the whole year after. I told him he should take up laundry or dishes. The "fun" stuff I get to do! :P
The last few days this turkey family comes up through the orchard, eats some berries by the stone wall, then crosses the road. I wonder where they go?

1 comment:

The Stewart Stuff said...

Tell Paul I am a star freak and I put in an order for a stained glass star......take your time! :p

Hobbies rock!!!