Tuesday, September 16, 2008

10 years...

Today Paul and I celebrated our (not real according to Paul) anniversary early.

On October 1, 1998 we had our very first date at Olive Garden in Scottsdale. So every year we return to Olive Garden for dinner. Since Paul will be in the hospital during that time we decided to celebrate it now. Surprisingly, Alayna's favorite part of the meal was the salad.


Afterwards we headed to the mall to let the girls run around the play area and walk off our meal.

And of course my mom and I had to hit up my newest most favorite kid's store.

Tomorrow Paul will need to visit a local lab to have some blood work done. Again it is to check on his liver function. If everything is where they want it to be he will have his 1st dose of radiation on Thursday afternoon at 4pm.

1 comment:

The Stewart Stuff said...

What a romantic anniversary! Seriously though, I am so glad you guys take those moments and spend them as a family! Olive Garden was our spot, too. We even had our wedding luncheon at an Olive Garden!