Monday, September 22, 2008

More of the same...

Paul is still feeling pretty bad. He is taking all the medicine he can but is still throwing up many times a day. He was able to eat a little bit of dinner tonight and a popsicle but nothing else all day.

Paul's room is pretty small but he doesn't do alot of walking around. The air is filtered and anyone who comes past that glass wall needs to wash their hands, put gloves on, and wear a mask. Any time he passes that wall to go to radiation or anything he also has to wear gloves and a mask. Actually - after wearing that mask all day long I still feel like I have one on.

The transplant is scheduled for Thursday or Friday evening depending on when it is taken from the donor. They will extract it from him in the morning and a representative from the hospital will transport it directly back and it will be given to Paul. I will be staying at a nearby hotel on Thursday and Friday night so I can spend as much time with Paul. I will post when I know the exact date.


The Stewart Stuff said...

You are doing an amazing job keeping us informed and I thank you for that! You are constantly on my mind! Keep up the good work! Lots of love coming your way!!!

Heather said...

Hey Amanda- we just got back from our vacation week and I was anxious to hear how Paul is. I will be praying tomorrow and Friday especially- let us know which day. You are doing great and staying strong- and surrounding Paul with your love. Heather