Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Thank you so much!

Paul wanted me to pass along his thanks to those of you that have sent him cards. We really appreciate you thinking of him and he enjoys reading them.

He is hanging in there - doing ok, except for his throat. Another side effect to deal with but he is unable to swallow or talk much. They gave him pain medication last night but it only worked for a short while. So now they gave him a button to push when he needs a little help dealing with the pain. I forget the name - the only thing that comes to mind is like a morphine drip. Today he had to force down one of those Ensure drinks. Hopefully this subsides soon.


Jason and Jenn said...

Hi Amanda,

My dad was on that drip thing too with pain meds. Hang in there, we are thinking and praying for you all of the time.
Give Paul hugs and kisses from us.

Love, Jenn

The Stewart Stuff said...

I am so glad he is doing so well (except the throat thing)! See, prayers do work!!!