Sunday, September 7, 2008

Action packed weekend...

Tomorrow morning bright and early Paul and I will head down to Boston for blood work. We are hoping his liver enzyme levels have decreased. Someone from the hospital did call to let us know that the biopsy showed his liver as inflamed, which is good. They said that points towards the blood thinner as the culprit.

As a final hurrah before Paul enters the hospital this next week we did all we could this weekend. On Friday in celebration of my Dad's 61st birthday we all went to dinner at his favorite restaurant, Texas Roadhouse. Alayna loved the fact that you could smash the peanut shells into the floor! Her dad showed her that trick.

Afterwards we went to the hotrod car show they hold every weekend in the same plaza parking lot. My mom loves purple so she gravitated towards this car. Do you see anything that shouldn't be there?!


Then on Saturday we went to the annual Seafood Festival in Hampton Beach. Paul is the only one who likes seafood but we all enjoy walking around sampling all of the other goodies. We all had bites of lobster rolls, sausage and peppers, caramel apples, sweet potato fries, apple crisp, and fry dough! Yum! All the girls rode the train on the boardwalk.

Alayna and Eden had their faces painted. Eden was good and left her heart alone - but Alayna would wipe each time the girl went to get another color for her flower.


And of course we had to take a stroll on the beach. The water was slightly cool but nice on the humid day. Alayna and Eden loved having the waves wash up onto their toes.

Today was the most mellow. Paul, my parents, and I attended an estate auction a few houses up the road. I had never been to one before so I was excited to see what it was like. While we were there we ran into several neighbors and friends. We only lasted a couple of hours and left with nothing. Paul and my dad watched football the rest of the afternoon and us girls went shopping. Ahh! And now we rest!

What did you do this weekend?

1 comment:

The Stewart Stuff said...

I am so glad you got to cram so much in before Paul has to leave for a while! I can tell by those pictures that Alayna enjoys every second with him! What a sweet family!!!