Tuesday, September 2, 2008

The waiting game...

So Paul did his blood work this morning and it showed that his liver enzyme levels had actually risen. They stopped the blood thinner last week so Dr. Wadleigh thought it would go down. He then had to do an abdominal ultrasound. They didn't see any problems with that - they were really looking for any kind of blockage. So he then had to go to Brigham to have the liver biopsy. He was very apprehensive about the procedure, as they were doing a transvenous biopsy. He wasn't happy and didn't want any needles going down his neck. But he made it through and is resting in the recovery unit now. He has to stay at the hospital for 6 hours and then I can go and pick him up.

So now we must wait for the results of the tissue sample to come back before they can proceed with the transplant.

1 comment:

The Stewart Stuff said...

Do you have any fingernails left? You must be a nervouse wreck! Take care of yourself and let him know that you are all in our thoughts and prayers!!!