Sunday, December 14, 2008

In the dark...

Not long after my last post - we lost power again. This time is it has lasted much longer. It has been more than 3 days and we are still in the dark. We do have a generator so we can plug in up to 3 things. It alternates between the fridge, a lamp, a small tv, and now (luckily) the modem. We have the fireplace going like usual so we stay relatively warm.

Here are some pictures of the morning after the ice storm.

The lowest branches of this tree are usually about 10-12 feet off the ground.

My poor duck family encased in ice.
Eden's daycare was closed - so she got to spend half the day with her mom at work and then the rest of the day playing with her little cousin, Alayna.

We were actually lucky in that all of our trees still stood after the storm. There were so many trees around town that snapped from the weight of the ice. I don't know when we will have power again - but I sure hope it's soon.

Stay warm everyone!

1 comment:

Jason and Jenn said...

Oh my goodness...That's a whole lot of ice. I'm soooo sorry you had no power for so long.
It looks so pretty on the trees though.